Welcome to Fourth Grade               


            School is in session from 8:00am to 2:52pm, Wednesdays until 12:42.  Be sure your child arrives to school on time each day.  The children will be let into the building at 7:40, into the classroom at 7:50, and we will start class promptly at 8:00.  Fourth grade lunch is from 10:30 – 11:00 each day.  We are also scheduling a 10 minute snack in the afternoon around 1:10.  Please send your child with a small, healthy snack. 

SCHEDULING - Subject to change

Music with Ms. Flynn                            Thursday  from 2:05-2:35

Art with Mrs. Bhatty                                     Tuesdays from 2:05-2:35

Library/Media with Mr. Foster*                Wednesdays from 8:20-9:00

P.E. with Coach Stump & Borras  Daily from 11:00-11:30 or 11:30-12:00

Spanish with Sras. De Gracia, Arias, Testa

 Daily from 11:00-11:30 or 11:30-12:00

Computers with Mrs. Warfield*                            Monday from 9:20-10:20

            * Teachers will co-plan lessons integrated with the fourth grade curriculum


        Homework is generally given each night Monday through Thursday and occasionally on the weekends.  A homework folder is to be used to keep homework and assignment sheets where they can be easily found.  In addition, any memos or informational sheets will be placed in the folder for you to look at.

       Please set aside approximately 40-50 minutes of uninterrupted time for homework and reading each night.  (Please note that the amount of time will vary from day to day and from student to student.  Some nights there may be no written work.)  Students are highly encouraged to read silently each night.  Students will have a monthly book log to fill out as they finish chapter books and take A.R. tests.  Incomplete/non–returned homework will be documented on a Homework Chart and you will be notified after approximately three occurrences.  Students must complete work during free time or by the next day.  If there is a good reason for incomplete work, please send a note.  Homework is an important piece of a child’s education.  It reinforces skills learned in class and gives the child extra practice on necessary skills and concepts.


      Numerical grades and traditional letter grades will be used to grade most work.  A system of checks will also be used to grade some written work.  Please stress that each assigned task is important.  It is expected that all papers should be proofread and show the student’s best effort in all areas.

      Completed and corrected work will be sent home as soon as it has been corrected.  Please go over these papers with your child and ask questions.  Children love explaining and showing off their new knowledge and skills.

      Also, please be aware that at times, some work is completed together in class. “CT” represents work “completed together.”  Other times pages will be completed independently, “I,” or, in groups, “G,” or in partners, “P”.  Our focus throughout the day is to teach the children required fourth grade skills.  We use a number of styles and methods to get information across to children.


            It is expected that students listen and behave properly in a school environment.  However, issues related to a student’s inappropriate behavior will be documented in a Behavior Log.  You will be notified by note, phone, or email after three to five minor occurrences or on serious matters.  We also may have Behavior Think Sheets that students must fill out if they are breaking classroom rules or misbehaving.  This sheet may be sent home for your signature and expected back the following day.  Our classroom rules and consequences will be set by the students, teachers, and school policy.  In addition, I will be using a system of “minutes,” in which the class can earn and/or lose “PAT (Preferred Activities Time) minutes” on Fridays to work with educational software, games, and activities.  This works on a class, group and/or individual basis.


            Important teacher/parent communication throughout the year will be provided through numerous modes: Weekly emails with homework assignments, curriculum information, and reminders; Internet school and teacher websites; and regular homework folders.

           Anticipate a few long-term projects this year as well.  Formal book reports will be taught and modeled in class.  There will be one per term, usually toward the end of the term.  Lastly, be aware that our new math program, Everyday Mathematics, often has at home assignments that may require parent/adult support.  

           Do not hesitate to write a note or contact me if any questions arise. I would prefer that you email me at ccastro@balboa-academy.org,  for any non-academic issues/questions or anything that you’d like me to be aware of.  Home/school communication and cooperation is of the highest importance and shows your child that we care.  

            Thank you for your support! 

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