Parent Update 

 Grade 4 

 Ms. Castro 


Parent Update April 16-20

Grade 4 –Ms. Ortega/Mrs. Torchin


Important notes for the week: 


  • Mrs. Torchin will be out of the classroom on Thursday and Friday to attend a training session in the US.  Ms. Ortega will be at school.  If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to email both of us: and


Academic information: Topics of Study for the Week

ReadingUnit 4 - Survival

     Stories –  The Big Wave

      Skills – Review and making inferences

      Vocabulary: unconscious, unfortunate, sorrowful, tidal, wreckage

Language Arts

     Grammar/Mechanics – Abbreviations and Prepositions

     Writing –Essay Writing – Collecting Big Ideas


Everyday Mathematics – Unit 7 – Fractions and Their Uses; Chance and Probability

Adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators; equivalent fractions

Science  Off week

Social Studies – Southwest Region – People, History, and Heritage – Poster presentations this week

Other Information:

MAP Testing Schedule:


Monday, April 23rd              Reading – 10:00-11:30

Tuesday, April 24th             Language Arts 10:00-11:30

Thursday, April 26th           Math 10:00-11:30


Snack and lunch: MAP testing begins at 10 am.  We will allow the students to have their snack at 9:00 am.  Please send a healthy snack for them.  After MAP testing they will have their lunch in the classroom.  Everyone must bring a healthy snack on testing days even if you order hot lunch.  Thanks!


Cursive:  Please encourage your child to use cursive writing.  In fifth grade, students will be expected to use cursive.  We are encouraging them to use cursive in the classroom as much as possible.

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